This Halloween, Protect Yourself from Spooky Spirits – and Higher Energy Bills

Halloween Spirits and High Bills
As zombies and ghosts prepare to invade your neighborhood this month, it’s a great time to protect yourself from spooky spirits – and from higher energy bills.

October is National Energy Awareness Month, and we want to remind our customers that with a little common sense – and maybe a few tricks – you can have the treat of saving a few dollars on your power bill.

Here are a few tips that scream energy-efficiency: 

  • Banish vampires – “Energy vampires” are electronics and appliances that constantly use electricity, even when they are not actively being used, such as cell-phone chargers or televisions. Unplug the energy suckers and enjoy some savings.
  • Beckon creepy creatures – Consider placing solar lighting outside of your home to keep the path to your door well-lit for trick-or-treaters. Use the power of the sun – it’s free.
  • Drive away drafty ghosts – Seal windows and doors to prevent cold or warm air from seeping in and save on heating or cooling costs.
  • Make a witch’s brew – Use air fryers, instant pots and toaster ovens to save energy and money. They help to avoid heating up the kitchen, which helps to reduce cooling costs.

See your potential savings by using our phantom energy calculator – just click on “phantom load.” We also offer free online and in-home audits so you can learn other tricks and treats to save money on your power bills. Learn about all our scary good energy-saving programs here.
