Safety starts with you! Save lives and money with regular vehicle inspections.


Most drivers probably aren't even aware of all the mental checks they automatically conduct each time they get into a vehicle; like checking to make sure mirrors are straight and the seatbelt is fastened. Conducting regular vehicle inspections helps your business save money and protect your employees by identifying mechanical issues or defects that may cause accidents and operational downtime; reducing vehicle damage and unexpected costs; and prolonging the life span of your vehicles.

To get you and your employees started, here are a few items that should be checked before getting on the road.

  • Store all required documents in the vehicle or with the driver: make sure the proof of purchase, license, and registration are available.
  • Check fluid levels: is the fuel, engine fluid, transmission fluid, and water at proper levels?
  • Ensure the battery is fully charged: are connections secure and no wires exposed?
  • Kick the wheels and tires: check for wear, damage, and air pressure.
  • Fasten the seatbelts: check that all seatbelts and restraints work properly.
  • Test the brakes: do the pedals hold and stop smoothly?
  • Flash the lights: test the lights and gauges to ensure they are operational.
  • Honk the horn: is it loud enough to be heard in a working environment?
  • Turn on the lights: make sure the headlights, turn signals, and warning lights are operational.

At Tampa Electric, our core value is safety – of our people, our customers and our community. In everything we do, we are committed to cultivating a world-class safety culture and that includes safe driving. We recommend making vehicle safety a habit by scheduling regular interior and exterior inspections, using an inspection checklist, and creating a vehicle inspection routine that safeguards you, your employees, your vehicles, and other drivers. For more information and sample vehicle inspection forms, visit:
