Looking for a predictable monthly payment?

Tampa Electric’s Budget Billing program can help. It’s a free and easy way to take the highs and lows out of your electric bill. Budget Billing is designed to help you manage your energy costs, reduce seasonal bill shocks and maintain your budget.

With Budget Billing, your monthly electric bill payment is no longer the total of your actual charges. Instead, it is based on the average amount of your electric bills from the previous 12 months, so your payment will be about the same every month - regardless of seasonal weather changes.

  • For example, if the total amount of your last 12 electric bills was $2,400, your Budget Billing monthly payment would be about $200.
Total Electric Bill
Past 12 Months


Number of Months = New Monthly
Budget Billing Payment Amount
$2,400 ÷  12 = $200

How do you qualify?
  • You must be a residential or small business customer.
  • You cannot owe an overdue balance or have a pending service disconnection order.
  • You cannot have participated in Budget Billing during the past 12 months.
  • You cannot be enrolled in Energy Planner.
How does the program work?

Budget Billing is NOT a discount program. You are still responsible for the cost of the energy you use. Although Budget Billing is not a savings program, it gives you the convenience and predictability of a levelized payment throughout the year, so you manage your budget with ease. While on the program, we'll continue to read your meter each month to determine your actual usage and cost; these amounts will be recorded on your monthly bill. While in the program, your bill will also show a “deferred balance”. The “deferred balance” represents the difference between your actual charges and your Budget Billing average monthly payment amount.

Here's a 'real-life' example to demonstrate how the program works.

Jane lives in Florida, where the summers are hot and winters are mild. These seasonal temperature changes cause Jane’s energy bills to increase in the summer when her air conditioning struggles to keep her home cool and decrease in the winter when she uses less air conditioning.

  • By enrolling in Tampa Electric’s Budget Billing program, Jane can better manage her monthly expenses and avoid the budget shock of higher summer bills.
  • Instead, Jane will pay a fixed monthly amount based on her previous year's energy usage and projected future costs.
    • For instance, if Jane’s last 12 bills totaled $2,400, her Budget Billing payment going forward would be fixed at about $200 per month.


Periodic and Annual Review:

On your enrollment anniversary and periodically at other times during the year, we will review your account to determine if your Budget Billing payment amount needs to be adjusted. Adjustments can happen if your usage or rates have changed. Your monthly payment amount may increase or decrease based on the current cost of energy and the actual energy used.

At your annual and period review:

If your deferred balance is greater than zero, the difference will be included as part of your new average payment amount over the following 12 months. This means your new monthly Budget Billing amount will include 1/12th of your deferred balance.

At your annual review ONLY:

If your deferred balance is negative at the end of your enrollment period, meaning you have a credit, you will receive that credit, in full, on your next month's bill on your anniversary date. 

Important Budget Billing information:

  • This program is designed to provide predictability. It is not a discount program.
  • Once enrolled, we will activate your request on your next month's billing cycle.
  • There are no fees or contracts. You can stop participating at any time. However, upon leaving the program, any accumulated deferred balance will be immediately due.
  • If you leave or are terminated from the program, you can not reenroll for at least 12 months.
  • To participate, your account must remain active and current.
  • The designated monthly payment amount must be paid.
  • If your account generates two service disconnect orders within 12 months for non-payment, it will be removed from the program, and cannot re-enroll for at least 12 months.
  • You will be notified by bill message on your monthly statement if there are any changes to your Budget Billing payment amount.

To enroll in Budget Billing, click the button below, create a Tampa Electric online account if you don't already have one, and select Budget Billing on the settings menu in the lower right corner of the home page.

Complimentary Services: 

With a consistent Budget Billing payment you can count on, you may also enjoy the convenience and time savings of Auto Pay and Paperless Billing. You can enroll in these services when and where you enroll in Budget Billing.

Program Completion:

If you disconnect service, stop participating in or are removed from the program, any accumulated deferred balance will be immediately due, and you can not reenroll in the program for at least 12 months. If the deferred amount is positive, the entire balance will be posted to your account for immediate payment. If the deferred amount is negative, you’ll receive a one-time credit on your next month's bill that may reduce your current charges. To discontinue Budget Billing, log into your account and select the "off" button. 

If you have any questions, contact us for assistance.

What is Budget Billing?
Budget Billing is a free program that can help you manage your energy costs, reduce seasonal payment fluctuations and maintain your budget. With Budget Billing, you'll avoid surprises with more predictable energy bills. Instead of your payment fluctuating each month with your actual monthly usage, the amount you pay is based on the average amount of your bills over the past year – giving you a more consistent payment from month to month.

  • For example, if the total amount of your last 12 electric bills was $3,300, your Budget Billing monthly payment would be about $275 for the next 12 months.

Why should I enroll in Budget Billing?
The Budget Billing program can help you:

  • Manage your energy costs.
  • Reduce seasonal bill spikes and stress.
  • Maintain your budget.
  • Enjoy more predictable bills.

How do I know if I'm eligible for the Budget Billing program?
All residential and small business customers can participate in Budget Billing, unless you owe an overdue balance, have discontinued or been removed from the program during the preceding 12 months or have a pending service disconnection order.

Although you do not need 12 months of usage history at your address to participate in Budget Billing, we do recommend it for the most accurate payment estimate. If you have less than 12 months of usage history at your address, your Budget Billing payment amount is based on your current usage.

Important note: You will be removed from the program if the account generates two service disconnect orders within 12 months for non-payment.

How do I enroll in Budget Billing?
You can enroll by:

  1. Going to TECOaccount.com.
  2. Creating an online account, if you don't already have one, and logging in.
  3. Choosing the account you want to enroll in the program.
  4. Navigating to the Settings Menu.
  5. Clicking on Budget Billing.
  6. Following the prompts.

What services are covered by Budget Billing?
Budget Billing covers your basic electric services. It does not cover service charges such as outdoor lighting and other products and services like Zap Cap Systems. Those charges are listed as separate line items on the bill.

Is there a fee for participating in Budget Billing?
No, Budget Billing is a free and voluntary program. There are no monthly fees or contracts. You may stop participating at any time. Just remember, if you stop participating in or are removed from the program, you must wait 12 months before you can re-enroll. In addition, upon leaving the program, any accumulated deferred balance will be immediately due.

How is my Budget Billing payment calculated?
Budget Billing payments are calculated by dividing the total amount of your past 12 billing cycles by 12 to obtain your average billing amount. That average amount becomes your monthly Budget Billing payment going forward.

  • For example, if the total amount of your last 12 electric bills was $3,300, your Budget Billing monthly payment would be about $275.

When will I see my new Budget Billing payment amount on my statement?

Budget Billing begins on your next month’s billing statement following enrollment. Your Budget Billing start date is provided at enrollment and is listed on your enrollment confirmation email or letter.

Here's a start date example: If you enroll on July 1, and your next statement date is August 6, your new Budget Billing payment will not appear on this bill because the service period is still active (6/30/24 - 7/31/24). Your Budget Billing participation will begin with the August service period (8/1/24 – 8/30/24) and appear on your September 6 statement.

Why did my Budget Billing payment change?
On your enrollment anniversary and periodically at other times during the year, we will review your account to determine if your Budget Billing payment amount needs to be adjusted. Adjustments can happen if your usage or energy rates have changed. Your monthly payment amount may increase or decrease based on the new calculation of actual energy used, the current cost of energy and any related deferred balance.

At your annual and period review:

If your deferred balance is greater than zero, the difference will be included as part of your new average payment amount over the following 12 months. This means your new monthly Budget Billing amount will include 1/12th of your deferred balance.

At your annual review ONLY:

If your deferred balance is negative at the end of your enrollment period, meaning you have a credit, you will receive that credit, in full, on your next month's bill on your anniversary date. 

Where do I see my energy usage and Budget Billing information on my bill?
While on the Budget Billing program will receive a monthly statement that includes three amounts:

  1. Actual Electric Service Charges: These are your actual charges and represent the amount you would pay on a regular billing plan.
  2. Budget Billing Amount: Your annualized payment on the Budget Billing program.
  3. Year-To-Date Deferred Balance: The cumulative difference between the "actual energy service charges" and your "Budget Billing" payment.

Budget Billing Screenshots 1

Where can I see the deferred balance on my bill?
Deferred balances are listed and updated on your monthly bill. The deferred balance reflects your actual usage and charges. This is included on your bill so that during any given month, you are aware of any debit or credit you are carrying. Deferred balances can be found under your Budget Billing payment amount in the “Other Fees and Charges” section of your bill. Please see the big orange box below.

Budget Billing Screenshots 2

How do I find out if my payment amount has changed?
If your Budget Billing payment changes, a bill message will appear on the bill when the change is made. You will also receive a letter or email depending on your account preferences.

Will I save money if I enroll on the Budget Billing program?
While not a savings program, Budget Billing gives you the convenience and predictability of a levelized payment throughout the year, so you pay approximately the same amount each month. There may be months when your Budget Billing payment is higher or lower than your actual usage but remember – these charges are distributed evenly throughout the year. In the end, you only pay for the energy you use.

Do I need to re-enroll in Budget Billing on my anniversary date?
No. Once you are enrolled in Budget Billing, you remain in the program until you disconnect your service or de-enroll in the program. If you stop participating in or are removed from the program, you can not reenroll for at least 12 months. 

Can I stop participating in the program?
You can stop participating in Budget Billing and return to regular billing anytime. However, if you stop participating in or are removed from the program, you must wait 12 months before you can re-enroll. In addition, upon leaving the program, any accumulated deferred balance will be immediately due.

Say bye-bye to payment spikes!
