Oh Baby! It’s National Electric Safety Month!

May we focus on an area that we might not think about in conjunction with electricity – babies!

Keeping our little ones safe is always a top priority, from baby-proofing cabinets to securing furniture. But with curious fingers and a need to explore, babies can easily find themselves in harm's way around electrical outlets and appliances.

What are the risks?

Babies are naturally curious and tend to explore their surroundings by touching, pulling, and putting objects into their mouths. Electrical outlets, cords, and appliances pose significant dangers if not properly secured or managed. Electrical shocks, burns, and even serious injuries can occur if precautions aren't taken.

The baby basics
  • Outlet covers: Covering electrical outlets is a simple and effective way to prevent accidents. Outlet covers or safety plugs can be easily inserted into unused outlets to block access. Choose covers specifically designed for baby safety and difficult for tiny fingers to remove.
  • Cord management: Use cord clips or cable ties to keep cords out of reach or securely fastened to walls or furniture. Loose cords are not only a tripping hazard but can also tempt curious babies to tug or chew on them, leading to potentially dangerous situations.
  • Secure appliances: Ensure that all electrical appliances are safely secured and out of reach of children. Use safety latches or locks to prevent babies from opening appliance doors or accessing buttons and controls. Additionally, never leave appliances unattended when in use, especially when babies are nearby.
  • Cover power strips: Power strips are commonly found in households to accommodate multiple electronic devices. However, they also pose a risk of electrocution if accessed by curious little ones. Invest in power strip covers or place them in areas inaccessible to children, such as behind furniture or inside cabinets.
  • Educate older siblings: If you have older children in the household, educate them about the importance of electrical safety and the dangers associated with playing with electrical outlets or appliances. Encourage them to set a good example for their younger siblings by practicing safe behaviors.
  • Regular inspections: Conduct regular inspections of your home to identify and address any potential electrical hazards. Check for frayed wires, damaged outlets, or overloaded circuits, and promptly address any issues to minimize the risk of accidents.
  • Use childproof extension cords: When using extension cords, opt for childproof versions that feature built-in safety mechanisms to prevent accidental unplugging or tampering.
  • Supervision: Perhaps the most crucial aspect of electrical safety is parental supervision. Always keep a watchful eye on your baby, especially in areas where electrical appliances or outlets are present. Never leave them unattended, even for a moment.

With these tips, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that you've taken the necessary steps to safeguard your bundle of joy!

For electrical safety tips for all ages, visit Safety.
