Ways your company can celebrate Earth Day


Every April 22nd, businesses across America participate in the celebration of Earth Day.  Not sure what to do? Here are a few ideas to get you inspired to help our planet, engage employees and make a real difference! 

 THINK GREEN: Investigate ways to reduce your environmental impact. Create a “Green Team” to explore ideas and enhance your workplace culture. 

 RECYCLE: Create exciting rewards for employees who recycle the most waste.  Set overall business goals, team goals and individual goals – have fun with it! 

 HOST A SPEAKER: Invite a Tampa Electric energy expert to speak on energy efficiency in the workplace. 

 PAPERLESS BILLING:  Enroll in Tampa Electric’s free paperless billing, and encourage employees to do the same. You’ll help manage clutter and reduce the use of paper.  

 HOST A DONATION EVENT: Invite employees to bring in old clothes/unwanted items, then donate the items to a local charity for repurposing.  

 MAKE YOUR EVENTS GREEN: Tampa Electric’s Sun to Go is an easy way to offset energy needed for company events. You’ll be supporting clean solar energy that is generated locally.  

Your Earth Day celebrations can be a starting point for a year-long commitment to sustainability. Have fun with it, and happy Earth Day from Tampa Electric to you and your team!  
